Earlier this year I was invited to lead an area-wide youth camp in Uganda. I was glad and excited to accept this invitation. I have had over 25+ years of experience in youth ministry and I still have such a heart for young people to come into a saving knowledge with the Savior
I was so honored to be taken care of so well by our host. Bugiri Baptist Church, the members, the elders, the conference committee, and Pastor George and his wife Momma Irene treated Kaleb and me as dignitaries. We received the special treatment everywhere we went. As you can imagine, the ability of this ministry in Uganda to pay for the flights to and from Uganda would be a huge burden for the ministry. It was so wonderful to have our donors and partners help cover the expense of the flights, Yellow Fever shots, and medications.
It was so nice to spend time with Pastor Wafula George, to capture his vision for his community, region, and nation. Pastor George is the overseer of 250+ churches through his role as district coordinator in his region of eastern Uganda.
Pastor George is the same pastor we have listed on Kingdom Footprint under “Current Needs” that does not have reliable transportation for visiting the pastors of the churches he mentors in a timely manner.
Our schedule was full, and there was much to be done with services, training, and meetings. The Lord had truly ordained each and every appointment. I was so thrilled to hear some of the stories of what is happening in the churches and ministries all around Eastern Uganda. Another great blessing was to have Pastor Stephen Abioye from Nigeria with us to help share all the teaching and training sessions. It would not have been possible without his partnership, his insight, and his wisdom.
By the end of the first weekend, Pastor Stephen, Pastor George, and myself were all getting along like old high school friends. These men are so humble and wise but have never lost connection with their families and friends. They both are so approachable, eager to stop and listen to others, and gifted by God to share wise counsel with those with whom they spend time.
More than 22 pastors attended the two days of Leaders Training, and then more than 300 students attended the RAS Camp 2018. The church rented a school to host the conference/camp for sleeping arrangements, general sessions, eating, and breakout sessions.
Each day I was able to sit with the pastors in attendance and the ones that were working as the leadership committee for the camp. These were great times of encouragement, learning, and sharing for ministry vision, needs, and the opportunity to build friendships.
On the last day of camp, more than 25 students made a commitment to follow the Lord in a calling to missions. What a great way to end the week-long of teaching and sharing to have these young people accept with great joy the call to take the Gospel to areas other than Uganda. Please make an effort to pray for these 25 students who made this commitment to stay strong in their faith on this journey with the Father.
As always it is the joy and privilege of my life to carry the Gospel to the nations and be an encourager and supporter of those on the front lines around the globe sharing Christ while representing you our Kingdom Footprint community.
If you would like to gift specifically to this need in Uganda click the “Tagged Opportunity” to the margin on the right!
Disclaimer: This story first appeared Kingdom Footprint blog section by Mateo Melendez
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