Shining in the Light until Jesus comes back
Mathew 5:16
Bugiri baptist church follower in churchFELLOWSHIP SUNDAYNever miss any of our sunday services.
We have four services which are in the order of;
IMG-20230920-WA0003Pr. George Wafula the
Awarding CertificatesPr. George Wafula awarding a certificate
to the youth of Bugiri Bbaptist Church
SlideBUGIRI TRINITY JUNIOR SCHOOLBugiri Trinity Junior school is built on a religious foundation which has helped it excel
in all its en-devours and on additional of fronting Jesus Christ as its savior,
the school has best teacher around the region, its dues are a
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Our Vision
Shining in the Light until Jesus comes back
Mathew 5:16
Never miss any of our sunday services.
We have four services which are in the order of;
Awarding Certificates
Pr. George Wafula awarding a certificate
to the youth of Bugiri Bbaptist Church
Bugiri Trinity Junior school is built on a religious foundation which has helped it excel
in all its en-devours and on additional of fronting Jesus Christ as its savior,
the school has best teacher around the region, its dues are a
Shining in the Light until Jesus comes back
Mathew 5:16
Bugiri Baptist Church is a faith / church organization based and was established in January 2005.
Bugiri Baptist church is located in Bugiri municipality, Nkusi zone, Eastern part of Uganda 152km from capital city Kampala and 45km to the Kenya border (Busia).
It has been in existence for the last 19 years evangelizing and ministering the love of Christ to different categories of people within the heart of Bugiri town. With well completed structure 1000-seater, 500 adult believers and 300 children now worship together the Lord in Bugiri Baptist Church.
The church has been able to identify with the community and lots of efforts have been done to intervene in major stressing challenges in the community
We still believe in the lord that his divine plan and the purpose for this ministry will be fulfilled in the community and meet its sole purpose of delivering many from the bondage of Satan to set them free in Christ Jesus.
VISION: Shining in the light until Christ comes back.
MISION: Until All Nations Know (Ps 71:18/ Mathew 28:18-20). This generation and the next generation must be reached. We must therefore train this generation to reach to all nations.
You are well Come to partner with us in ministry
Words of Wisdom by
Bishop Wafula George
![Growth Track](https://bugiribaptistchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Bugiri-baptist-church-growth-track.jpg)
Growth Track
We describe ourselves as a purpose-driven church, which means we seek to live out God's five big purposes for our lives together as a community: evangelism, fellowship,
Our sunday services are Family services where we get to commune together as members of the victory family. We express those five purposes through five big
![Prayer Request](https://bugiribaptistchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Bugiri-baptist-church-follower-in-church.jpg)
Prayer Request
If you need one-on-one prayer, please call us and we'll pray with you. Or, if you would rather , you can submit your prayer request online and our team will pray over it.