Our Ministries
Men's Ministry
The ministry brings together men and and boys within the body of believers at Bugiri Baptist Church, the ministry 's activities are geared at having the gifted men Groom and Galvanize each other.
Women Minstry
This is a vibrant ministry and capable of bringing all women together in the church, regardless of age. One of the ministry's regular events is the women's Annual Conference.
Worship Ministry
Bugiri Baptist Church always enjoys great worship courtesy of the dedicated worship team members. The worship team has always put together great production covering the major events on the church calendar
Rise & Shine Camp
The Ministry targets young people in schools and one of the core objectives is to win the students to Christ and transform them into disciple s of Christ
Family Ministry
In Happy Ministry, we have different activities that are carried out to see that a happy family is a foundation of the church through promoting and strengthening their prayer-life and spiritual well-being.
Married Minstry
This Ministry is designed to meet the specific needs of married people in the congregation and those that have been wedded from Bugiri Baptist Church.
Children's Ministry
Bugiri Baptist Church always enjoys great worship courtesy of the dedicated worship team members. The worship team has always put together great production covering the major events on the church calendar
Young & Adultd
The goal of the Young Adult Ministry is to connect young and adult with Jesus Christ through Spiritual formation / direction, religious education / formation and vocational. as a goal to meet specific needs of young adultsmattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.