The Leadership Team

Pr. George Wafula

Lead Pastor

Cosma Andrew Bwire

Associate Pastor

Mr. Musoga Ronald
Youth Leader

He is a national youth leader in the evangelical Baptist Ministries of Uganda, a husband and a father of one beautiful daughter

.His inspiration is by psalms 23.He received Christ in 2009 however, he joined Bugiri Baptist Church in 2006 during prayers from Bugiri high school which is now Busoga university, he was 16 years under an influence of his uncle. he was born from a polygamous family which made life very hard in terms of education and other needs. Due to the mentioned issues, his studying has be challenging, studying in phases. Its has been God’s favor and now he is pursuing a national diploma in Electrical Engineering. Ever since i decided following Jesus, God gave me a task in Ephesian 4:12-13, “12 for the perfecting of the saints to the work of serving , to the building up of the body of Christ;

13. until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, to a full grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;” i have been and i am a leader in different sectors where God sends me. We have youth  fellowship on Wednesday. We have  School ministry, mission and evangelism and every second week of December we conduct (Ras Camp) at church for equipping resourceful leaders of today and tomorrow.+256-700-788451or Email:

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Mrs. Lydia Prossy Abara
Women Leader

She is a mother, a social scientist, a wife blessed with 3 biological children and others, leader and above all, a servant of God,

i am inspired by John 3:1.  I met  Christ Jesus at a very tender age of 14 years after i lost my mum. (RIP mum) she was my everything. I didn’t get an opportunity to have a look at my dad, so life became difficult with a lot of questions. Thank God. on the 3rd of May 1993, Jesus Christ called me and i got saved, Glory to God. I’ve closed walked besides him since then and he has always answered my questions. As a full time member of Bugiri Baptist Church leading the women section, we created a saving scheme from where our members access small loans to help them run small businesses in order to support their families. We also do weekly fellowships where women meet in the mid week from which we counsel, encourage and help one another to remain strong in faith of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In addition, we do other activities like prayer and fast for the body of Christ once every month, women conference once a year, out reach mission, inter church visits, women Sunday’s among others.

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Mama Kayenga Irene Wafula
Church Treasurer

She is the wife to the Senior Pastor of Bugiri Baptist Church and a trusted church treasurer who’s

passion is to see that the church raises enough funds to support it works in making the disciples for the transformation of lives around the world. Irene got to know the Lord Jesus as her personal savior in 1993 and since then, she has moved closely to him to current date. when she got the news of being entrusted with Church funds, she knew it was Jesus’s calling because its her profession. In 1 cor 4:2 we have a responsibility to prove that we are faithful and Apostle peter, 1 peter 4:10 challenges us to be faithful towards of God’s Grace. Its therefore our responsibility to support the work of God and that’s when God will pour out his mighty blessings upon us.
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Ms. Kagoya Winnie
Church Adminstrator

I grew up from a catholic family, with in catholic community. When i made 12 years old, i was taken up by my aunt

who was a born again Christian from whom i got the inspiration of following Christianity though i had not known Jesus apart from hearing his name being mentioned. Slowly i picked the interest of knowing who was he from my friends and even from people surrounding me. But one time when i was really too low, he revealed him self to me.

In school, i joined the Sunday school and the scripture union groups from where my faith deepened and got taken up by God’s gospel, started realizing that he can save me because i was a sinner who tried finding life from other people who would neither help mi. The Lord sent his only son Jesus Christ who  was crucified on the cross because of our sins. in 2010 September, i got saved. Christianity isn’t all about doing good,but he made it clear hat i do not have to earn my salvation or his love (Eph. 2:8-9). he has given me fulfillment, purpose and joy. i am not perfect and i still mess up but God loves me despite my flaw and imperfection. Things i pursued before let me down, but not to God, he has revealed himself to me in hs word. whenever i call unto him, in Philippians 4:6). He loves me even at my lowest point. He has rescued me from myself and eternal separation from him.  

Am now serving under double portion ministry , a member in praise and worship and most importantly am  Bugiri Baptist Church  Administrator. Thank you lord for all the changes you have brought into my life.

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